A quick one once again, but one I really wanted to come back to. But it does not matter if being ‘short’ or ‘quick’, for the focus lies on the elementary elements (haha, what a lapsus).
So, Love Sex Machine hail from the most Northern shores of France, and in 2012, if I’m not mistaken, they had a first untitled release going on. And now they will conquer more ‘space’ with Asexual Anger, an eight-tracker that goes on in the vein of, and goes further than its predecessor.
Love Sex Machine perform a mostly heavy, sledge-hammering form of Doom-laden Sludge Metal, including quite some elements from both Post-Hardcore and Stoner-Doom, though the latter gets translated within the calmer pieces only. Everything gets performed via quite a low-fi, low-tuned basic. This goes not for the vocals, for these ones are truly of the most shrieking, lung-spawning kind. You know, I am quite into Black Metal, but the screams performed right here are fabulously beyond imagination. I think this is a surplus for sure. Okay, it’s not that uncommon anymore, but in this case I am truly overwhelmed. Subjective? Indeed, but so what?
What strikes me most is the fantastic sound that supports this album. Asexual Anger comes with a production and mix that makes the scene proud. All right, lately many professional studios / labels are able to create the perfect balance in between rawness (which one surely needs within this specific current) and decency (I’ll repeat myself: which one surely needs within this specific current), but probably the label will have been of pepper-in-the-ass-support as well. Anyway, this album comes with a sound quality that is way beyond the average. Actually, within this specific genre, this source of sound is about the top of the reachable. It gets translated within the mostly equilibred mixture of all instruments, for example. …shamelessly it does exceed, outstand long-running, notorious colleagues indeed!!!
Doom, Sludge, Post-Hardcore, Black-Death and Crust; all these elements characterise this release, this band, and seen the quality, at least seen from my personal (and therefor quite subjective) point of view, etc…