I will not spend too much time in an introduction this time, for I hope this band will come up with a full length soon; and then I will give a more profound and appropriate description of this band’s history, discography and biography. But I cannot but mention that Malakhim consists of members of e.g. Naglfar and Sanity Of Impiety. The five-piece was formed in 2016, and they had a first demo in 2017.
II is the successor of that untitled 2017-debut-demo, and it gets released on vinyl and compact disc via one of the most influential Underground labels lately, the great Germany-based label Iron Bonehead Productions. The editions are very limited (I thing the vinyl edition has been sold out already???), but you can still check this stuff out!
This material was recorded at the Redneck Audio and Wolf’s Lair studio, with assistance of engineer M. Norman. II consists of four tracks, clocking about twenty minutes, and the result comes with very intriguing artwork by Patrick ‘Karmazid’ Zöller, who also did some visual art for acts like Draghkar, Ondfødt, Wederganger, Urfaust and many, many more.
What these Swedes bring is nothing renewing, actually. But hey, continue reading, for the result, the quality, is very high. And as I did mention in a thousand reviews before: ignore the lack of being renewing whenever the content is of a high level. Yes, here too that’s the case! Malakhim bring quite intense and oppressive Black Metal with a timeless approach. The four compositions have a huge dose of melodic supremacy, with guitar leads that are both mesmerizing and epic. And damn yeah, the trem riffing and lead guitar parts do characterise the approach the whole of the time. Besides, the basics are suite diversified, with a lot of changes in tempo (once in a while totally erupting and blasting, then again slowing down almost miraculously), and supported by a grandiose rhythm section. The cool thing then again is the well-balanced production and mix, for it makes the whole instrumental section shine in the dark. Okay, the drum patterns, for example, are ‘just’ supportive, yet without the subtle importance of the whole percussion, the prominent melodies wouldn’t sound that intriguing for sure. And then you cannot but ignore those sulphuric yells / screams of frontman E (whatever, what’s in a name…), spitting acid and venom. Compared to the first demo, there is less vocal variety, but I think these raspy yells are top, so I am glad there’s a focus on this razor-blade throat rather than (painful) chants or whatever.
I did mention the diversification in tempo, but it is of huge importance, so I do not mind coming back to this matter once again. Seen the intensity of this stuff, the variation in between up-tempo passages and mid-tempo ones, with inclusion of those eruptional outbursts, gives the whole a very professional vision. But it also strengthens the obscure, somewhat occult atmosphere, and then you are delving deeper into the lyrical concept as well. Malakhim (it means something like ‘messenger’, if I am not mistaken). Also the epic melodic structures support the occult spheres for sure.
I am going to leave you quite soon this time. But take notice that this timeless and quite universal (yet it does come with a certain Swedish atmosphere too for sure) Black Metal is very promising. Despite being a young band, I think Malakhim do have an interesting future. I have no idea when there will be a full-length album (or a next EP, whatever), but anyway, I am looking forward to hearing some more elegies soon.