The Québec-based Black Metal scene is one of the most interesting ones since a long time. I did refer to it in the review of Csejthe’s newest full length (see update June 2nd 2013). The productive region houses some other bands that are about to release new material; the review on the new Monarque-album Lys Noir will be published in a couple of days.
This review deals with the self-called debut full length by the quartet Neige Éternelle (‘eternal snow’). Whet these four guys (Sti, BG, J. Larché and Faust) bring is a rather primitive and nihilistic, yet very epic form of raw Nordic-styled Old School Black Metal. Don’t expect any progressive or avant-garde approach, nor additions of symphonic or gothic elements. This is totally stripped-down and no-nonsense fury with a very European approach. The production / sound is rough and unpolished, yet well-fitting to the melodic hymns. The fast and furious assaults come with a certain Thrash-edged grandeur, and with that specific focus on the purest essence of what True Black Metal should stand for.
Consider it a Canadian mixture of everything in between Sargeist, Haemoth, Gorgoroth, Forgotten Woods (cf. Comme Une Charogne) or Peste Noir, even earlier Darkthrone, Hades and the likes.
Sung in French, of course; chant” en Français, évidemment…