…originally released in 2023…
…a tribute to Carrie, a magnificent work by the great Stephen King (and for what it’s worth: when I was a kid [a very long time ago], King was my favorite author)…
…a collaboration in between two outsider acts from Germany (noxpox) and Chile (Humanfobia)…
We all might know (and for those who do not: you will as from now on) that Polish top-label Gates Of Hypnos is a mostly open-minded label, rooted within the (Harsh) Noise scene especially, yet with tentacles crawling around within areas of Drone, Ambient, Neo-Classical, Electronic, Ethereal, and related scenes. This specific release is another example of this label’s mighty wide-visioned view on the worlds of spectral Aural Art whatsoever.
A short introduction. Noxpox is a Germany-based project, floating around within dimensions of danceable electronic Music with a brain-teasing twist. It’s more than just some Goth / Electro / Pop / whatever alike stuff, for this act exceeds the popularized content with its eccentric loops and pivots. Humanfobia then again is a duo from Chilean soil, exploring the vast dimensions of Goth / Vapor / Witch House Music (and more). Their über-productive creativity - their labels included - gave them somehow a ‘cult’ status within the international Witch / Vapor Scene.
So, both acts joined forces, resulting in a seven-track EP that lasts for twenty minutes. This collaboration is based on / inspired by King’s story (and 1976-movie) ‘Carrie’ (reworked afterwards; yet the original motion picture still remains much better!!!) - for those coming from another planet: a story about a girl with supernatural (divine?) powers, initially oppressed by her fanatic mother and bullied by fellow-school kids, yet exp… Nope, no further essay, for this review deals with the Carrie White Burns In Hell EP and not with the cinematic highlight from almost half a century ago (damn, I am getting old too…).
The result is a mixture of Intelligent Dance Music, Witch House, Vaporwave, Synth Pop, Avantgarde Industrial, Gothic, Angst Pop, Down-Tempo, Lounge and Horror Wave, existing of both danceable and threatening beats, manipulated strings, extravert glitches, ritual textures, female voices, electronic loops, haunting synth-waves, goth-induced noise-effects, droning machineries, reverberating noises, other processed instrumentation, and several samples taken from the original movie. It’s an experimental adventure, anti-melodic and surrealistic, designed to focus on the out-of-the-box-thinking character of this soundtrack-rooted EP.
All seven compositions on Carrie White Burns In Hell are comparable when it comes to the eccentric execution, yet none of them actually sounds alike. Therefor, these twenty minutes are attractive when searching for a well-interacting yet conflicting interplay of cryptic atmospheres and cacophonous experimentation.