Aki Klemm is one of the most active guys within the (current) Finnish (Black) Metal scene. Not only he owns the Patologian Laboratorio Productions and the Patologian Laboratorio Studio, but he’s active in several band and projects too: Grimirg, Oath, Lathspell, Hautakammio, Seal Of Beleth, and some others. For about all of them I did at least one review in the recent past, and there will be some more material being published in the near future (check it out via the ‘search’ option by entering one of these projects’ monikers, or enter the label’s name, or ‘Immortal Frost’). Usually he’s active under the pseudonym of Grim666, but in this band’s case, Order Of The White Hand, he has some releases as Immakkel. Besides, this project is the only one he does together with his brother Petteri aka Koomastroyer (doing the drum parts; before also performing some vocal parts).
Actually, Veren Muisto was the third Order Of The White Hand album, initially released in early November 2014 on vinyl via Sang & Sol Productions (it was this label’s first release). In April 2016 it got re-released on both tape (via Vanguard Productions) and of course via Aki’s own label, Patologian Laboratorio Productions (with slightly adapted cover artwork).
The album, which means something like ‘blood memory’, if I’m not misinformed, lasts for thirty-three minutes. Once again it brings very melodic Traditional Black Metal, epic in play, mid-tempo in speed, and grim in atmosphere. So, everything has been said…
I do have a ‘problem’ with the sound quality on Veren Muisto. To my grief it all sounds way too dense, too muddy, too under-mixed. That’s a pity for sure, for the grandiose bass lines, the fine epic, even victorious guitar melodies and the excellent drum patterns disappear in thin air. Only the vocals are hearable the right way. For this edition is a re-issue, I did hope for a re-mastered version, but unfortunately that is not the case. Is it so bad then? No, absolutely not, for the original production has been maintained. Yet still I am not satisfied at all.
When it comes to the song writing and the performance, on the other hand, I cannot but go into subjectives of glory and appreciation. Okay, there might be a certain lack of variation in between the individual epics, yet still this material defines the superior skills of band leader Aki. Order Of The White Hand expresses that specific niche that defines a victorious war-attitude, courtesy of the Nordic Viking-Black bands from the last decade of last century. All hymns drag and draw, for the heritage of our ancestors, and for the remembrance of the nineties’ scene as well.
March on, warriors of the North! Fight for the glory and the purity of our lands; we tolerate no poisonous blood on our soil!