Poohbah this bands name doesn’t ring a bell to me. When search them on the net: founded in 1972, Youngstown, OH, United States. Made 10 studio albums from 1972 till 2007. Line the last time was: Jim Gustafson (Zang, Gitaar), Phil Jones (Bas, Zang), Ken Smetzer (Toetsen, Zang) and Gen Procopio (Drums). Jim Gustatson is the driving force of the group and the only original from the beginning.
“U.S. Rock” this is the second release of the original album from 1976. The album includes 10 songs in the original order, remastered by T.Dallas Reed at the HeavyHead Studios and on the cd there are 4 bonus numbers includes. The cd contains psychedelic rock with some blues influents and a little touch of rock’n’roll. Rock is the best word, even some heavy notes in some numbers. When you listen de cd as starter “Flesh Fantasies” a Led Zeppelin like sound and riffs the pure psychedelic sphere. All the numbers have a content of psyche back to the 70s. And then a song “Let’s Rock” oh, yes a rock’n’roll song like the beach boy sound with a great piano guitar solo in it. And the a more heavy number but clean and not raw. And one again “Crazy” yeah, gone like this band. And last best not least a bonus live number “Steamroller” from their album “Steamroller lp (1979). All of kind 70s song comes along in this album; lay down an listen to this album. If you like the 70s you must buy this record!