Within Darkened Disorder got recorded and produced by Andy Classen at the famous Stage One Studio (Varg, Suidakra, Graveworm, Prostitute Disfigurement, Belphegor, Obszön Geschöpf etc.) and was originally released and distributed in 2011 through Twilight. I don’t know why it gets re-released that soon, but it does not matter – if you do not have this material yet, and you do appreciate massive and decent Death Metal…
[FYI: discography: Nameless Grave -2001, Formed At Birth -2003, Government Denies Knowledge -2006, Premier Killing League -2007, and Infiltrate… Obliterate… Dominate -2009; review on the latter still available – see update April 25th 2010 in the review section, review on this album, Within Darkened Disorder, posted on July 23rd 2011 – but I’ll copy and partly re-write the stuff down here]
The trio (guitar player Phil Klauser, drummer Reto Crola and bassist / vocalist -former singer Michi Kuster left in 2010- Ralph Winzer Garcia) did a splendid job again – or what did you expect? Within Darkened Disorder (forty five minutes) isn’t that different from all former material, which means that this band still creates extremely brutal and intense Death Metal based on, especially, the North-American scene.
What’s new? Nothing in general; it’s just some of the compositions that are even more intense than before. Massiveness has been the case in the past, and this massive approach (performance and sound) gets maintained with Within Darkened Disorder.
Still grooving for sure…
What’s wrong? Nothing either. Some might get irritated by the repetitiveness of the rhythm section, or the lack of variation between the songs. Maybe the limited originality? Yet on the other hand one cannot ignore the incredible craftsmanship and skilled song writing – these guys did listen very carefully to their inspirational sources, and they do not just copy these influences.
What’s up? Everything, and nothing. You’ll be surprised in case you like this kind of audible brutality, you’ll be shocked if you think the USDM-scene sounds too heavy…
What’s the conclusion: if you can agree with some European-faced mixture of Divine Empire, Hate Eternal, Kataklysm, Six Feet Under, Massacre or some grind-less Dying Fetus, unfriendly wrapped with hints of Hail Of Bullets, Bolt Thrower, Asphyx or My Darkest Hate, and in case you do now own this album yet… Within Darkened Disorder probably isn’t Requiem’s highlight (Government Denies Knowledge still is my fave Requiem-recording), yet for sure it is a masterpiece again…
I gave a score of 83 point in 2011, in case you might care…