Most Black Metal releases that refer to ‘tradition’ are inspired and / or influenced by the so-called Second Wave. Nothing wrong with that, I think, because that early nineties’ current created hundreds of marvellous acts all over the globe, with truly thousands of excellent recordings, back then and still now. But the First Wave isn’t as ‘big’ as the second one. That’s a pity, because without that first wave there wouldn’t be a second one, would it?... However, once in a while my eardrums get satisfied by stuff that just breathes the purest essence of the eighties’ scene. And the smart ones amongst you might be aware that this introduction results in the review of such release.
Well, actually I was not just writing that first paragraph because I was bored; indeed I am pleased to listen to Sacrificio’s self-titled debut recording, which gets released on vinyl in co-operation in between two labels that are sort of specialised in that kind of stuff: Germany’s Iron Bonehead (who else) and Californian Nuclear War Now! It was released on tape too via young Spanish label Down With The Most High at the very end of April, by the way (another label that releases on vinyl and cassette exclusively, by the way).
Anyway, Sacrificio are the successor of Proclamation, a band with some very amusing recordings on its roster. This untitled material is the first the trio releases under the Sacrificio-banner, and it consists of six, eh, songs. The lyrics are in the guys’ mother tongue (i.e. Spanish). What Sacrificio bring is a very primitive, nasty, violently executed form of thrashing Black Metal, totally lacking of modern gadgets or trendy additions, yet focused on the pure essence of the eighties: Sonic War! The sound, for example, says it all: rough and unpolished, maybe little under-produced on purpose. Also the song writing / performance goes on in the devilish current. It reeks of Bathory, Blasphemy, Hellhammer (yet less slow), Profanatica, Black Witchery, Sarcófago, Impiety, Holocausto, Parabellum, Samael, Possessed, Tormentor, Archgoat, and evidently Proclamation; enfin, you get the point, don’t you. There is nothing renewing at all, but the song writing and execution are just fine. I like the vocal timbre, the solos, the harsh rhythm section, the main riffs, the structures; really, this material is a honest and well-executed tribute to the First Wave.