Asgard Hass Productions from Switzerland are one of those labels that do understand the essential importance of the musical underground. This fact gets translated by the release of some highly interesting recordings. There is no need to search for the most original, renewing approach, but rather they focus on the purity and excellence of our beloved sonic expressions. Respect!
A great example of this label’s supremacy is this newest release, the From Mute Remains-EP, the first official material after the 2011-demo Serpens Antiquu
Swiss band Shaddai recorded their From Mute Remains mini-album at Flying Beast Records Studio (engineering & mix), and the five-tracker lasts for eighteen minutes. And what this quartet brings is a mostly uncomfortable, dense, asphyxiating and hammering form of blackened Doom-Death with elements from Sludge, Tech-Death, Nordic Black and Funeral Doom Metal. The songs are not renewing, but the persuasion and fantastic craftsmanship make these well-written epics worth listening to.
An open-minded mixture of Portal, Incantation, Evoken, Triptykon and Schammasch, if you want to…