Now this is heavy, extremely. Call it Doom, Sludge, Drone, or all of it together and SOTT is the result.
SOTT deliver us 3 songs in 57 minutes of which 2 (“Indianapolis/Ukiah” and “We are righteous people/Guyana”), are linked together by a concept. The concept being the Jonestown massacre, where a lot of people of the “peoples temple cult ”committed or where “assisted” willingly or not, to commit suicide after being called out to do so by cult leader/ lunatic Jim Jones… The 3th track, “City of the damned”, is taken from an earlier split release with Ghost of Wem.
The strength of Shadow Of The Torture is the fact that they manage not only to come up with a monotone wall of sounds which gets one in a trance, but then add to that as vocals samples from the Jonestown recordings/ interviews etc…, which makes it all blend together into the sonic nightmare SOTT wants it to be…. I for one would like to experience SOTT live…