Sweden’s Skineater are some kind of ‘super-band’ with former and current members of e.g. Wombbath, Carnal Forge and Dark Funeral. The combo recorded this first album at the famous Studio Underground with master / mixer Pelle Saether (think: Fleshcrawl, Necrodeath, Throneaeon, As Likely As Not, Days Of Anger a.o.).
Dermal Harvest brings thirty nine minutes of groovy, pounding and rhythmic Death Metal with a very special detail not to ignore: this album does not sound ‘just Swedish’. Seriously, this material has a universal approach; I mean that it combines elements from both the European (Bloodbath, Sinister, Illdisposed) and North American (Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel may come to mind) scene. This goes for the tempo, the melodies and the production. The tempo is worth mentioning: sometimes slow and dragging, then again speed-up and vicious. The whole gets coloured with details from both Tech-Death and Grind-Death; the latter referring to the gore theme (returning in album’s title, cover artwork and band’s moniker too -> the sweet relationship in between the human skin and torture / pain).