According to their info sheet, North-Italy's Heavy Rock act Stealth was founded in 2007 by guitarist/ backing singer Luca Occhi and drummer Marcello Danieli, who immediately set forth writing music and lyrics, and recruiting current lead singer Enrico Ghirelli (ex-Cattivi Pensieri, ex-Catarsi, ex-Mantra)...whom originally only stayed with the and for a couple of months, but then returned to the fold in 2011 (when his Mantra project was fading out).
The rest of the line-up also turned out to be somewhat troublesome, and it wouldn't be before 2011, that the band recruited bassist/ backing singer Andrea Rambelli (ex-Black Blood, ex-Dead Duck, ex Four F, ex-Cerebral, still with Ipnosi – was introduced to Stealth material by Occhi, with whom he'd started an acoustic duo), and second guitarist Matia Catozzi (he actually applied for the bass function first, thus advised by Rambelli, but then convinced the band to have him join as additional guitarist, and recruit Rambelli on the bass). In late 2011/ the beginning of 2012, the band recorded their 6-track Demo 2012, and went on to promote their music on the venues in Northern Italy, taking in the occasional festival and band contest, and doin' interviews with local press, and radio and television shows. During 2013, the band recorded their current debut full-length, re-recording the 6 songs from the demo and adding 4 more.
...and now here's the odd thing: I've come across an Italian Heavy/Hard Rock band named Stealth before, which also had the website (www.) stealthband.it...and which released a promo CD (co-released with their promo agency Conzorzio ZdB) entitled Check This Out in 2005 (see review posted 12/08/2005 in the “Archive” section of this here website)! Of course, back then I'd found no additional info on the line-up of the band (or, possibly, I hadn't researched as thorough as I do nowadays). Can I help being confused?
I mean, there's some similarities, you now. Like musically, the two bands (if indeed different ones, as far as the material-writing goes) are stylistic copies, and Ghirelli could do with a couple of lessons in pronunciation of the English language, even if his slightly nasal effort is far better than what I heard on that 2005 demo! In essence, I'm sure this Stealth does very nicely in the North of Italy, but it'll probably take a lot of luck for them to step out of their “local” environments, in order to promote their music outside of Italy. As far as that is concerned, getting reviews outside that “limited” area is a good way to creating some of your own (luck, that is!). For your listening pleasure, the band posted videos (one official music clip, two live excerpts, and an album teaser) at their website (see above).