I have to admit that when I first heard Chemical Reign I was ready to dismiss it as just another mindless metal release. But after a few listens, this album has really grown on me.
Chemical Reign is one part prog, one part speed and one part doom. For a self release, this is a good sounding effort, they already show a mature diversity that will benefit them in the long run. Surgeon features one guitarist Lydia, and she does a helluva job. Some of the harmonies she plays are really amazing. Ruston Grosse is an excellent drummer and only goes into overdrive when the song calls for it. He shows that he can do it, but he never overdoes it, opting for more of a groovy feel throughout most of the disc. The highlight track on the album has to be closer “Waves”. The guitar harmonies are very cool and it's a testament to what this band is capable of. The title track is another fine example of what the band is capable of with its wicked guitar runs and stellar drum tracks. Though the band don't come that close to the musicianship of a Hammers of Misfortune (vocals), Slough Feg (style) or Three (variation) they are still young and are finding their own voice.. There's some interesting song writing going on here for sure and this is the way that the band will be able to separate them from the pack.