Ukraine-based act Twilighfall was formed in 2010 by Wortherax. You surely have heard his name before, for he’s a permanent or session member for notorious bands and projects like Nokturnal Mortum, Vetche, Piorun, Munruthel or (defunct) Supuration, amongst others. The ideas were slumbering for quite some time in his brain, but finally he decided to finalize that what he had in mind, and with assistance of some same-minded musicians, he recorded the first Twilightfall full length The Energy Of Soul.
This album lasts for thirty nine minutes and brings a very catchy form of Modern Metal. It sounds like a mixture of Scandinavian Thrash-Death Metal (with the Finnish and the Gothenburg-scene coming to mind especially) and trans-European Melodic Death Metal, filled with clichés and evidences. The tracks are especially guitar-driven, with twin leads and tremolo melodies. The performance is high-technically executed and contains every single ingredient to follow strategic characteristics in order to make the whole recording highly accessible. It means superficial mediocrity rather than inspirational supremacy, and that’s a pity. Even the production is too goody-goody. The clean mixture has been polished the clinical way, lacking of the purity of rawness. I admit that everything has been performed professionally; that’s an undeniable truth. But the predictable tempo-changes, the addition of folkish up-tempo parts or rocking riffs, the high-melodically leading riffs, the acoustic interludes, the neo-symphonic keyboard lines, the … No, despite being played with craftsmanship, there is too much that leaves me unsatisfied (too little that leaves me satisfied would be a better expression of my thoughts).
Probably this will please fans of Children Of Bodom, Night In Gales, earlier In Flames etc…