Udo Dirkschneider has been in the music business since 40 years, first with German metal band Accept, with whom he got his first success, afterwards with his own band, simply named after himself UDO. This is his fifteenth studio album so far, and while not a true concept album, it’s main theme is the decadency of nowadays life, especially by the rich and privileged part of our society.
At 62 years of age, Mr. Dirkschneider has lost none of his powers, his voice doesn’t seem to age at all. Also musically he still taps from the same barrel, so if you were an Accept fan back in the eighties, and afterwards became an UDO fan, you may blindly buy this album. This album has all the classical Accept/UDO ingredients. Great guitar solo’s, an excellent rhythm section, great riffs, good vocals, a good collection of songs, a crisp and clear production. A must by for every classic metal lover.