Arroganz are a pretty young German band (trio) with two highly respected releases before (Burning Souls, EP 2010, and Dark And Deathless, 2011). Besides, the band performed on different festivals with bands like Demonical and Dark Funeral, and especially in their (chauvinistic) home country, they reached a status of high-acceptance.
Their newest full length was recorded at their current label’s home studio (Blacksmith Studio indeed), and the whole was mastered by Grave‘s Ola Lindgren, by the way. The album, in general, continues the path Arroganz left with Dark And Deathless, yet not completely. Meaning: it did evolve for the better part in several aspects in comparison to the past: better sound, more cohesive songs, and matured performance. Kaos.Kult.Kreation brings one hour of haunting and sinister Death Metal. Of course it comes with a Swedish approach (i.e. sound, riffs, rhythm section and melodic structures, with gratitude to Mr. Lindgren), but in a way the whole breathes something Germanic as well, with gratitude to the members’ origins, of course. That balance has never been that nicely performed, I think, and for sure it’s a characterising trademark, courtesy of Arroganz, that could make this band one of the better ones in its genre. Only other detail needed: quality. And damn yeah, this band has it all. The quality of both song writing and performance is beyond expectations. Sometimes the stuff ‘catches’ (listen for example to that timeless title track), then again it flirts at the narrow border of both the Black and the Doom-Death Metal scene.
And who am I to disagree? Seriously, these Germans are the missing link in between the glory of the deadly past (i.e. the likes of Impending Doom and, especially, the fabulous act Torchure) and the current scene of timeless grotesquery. Besides, the tracks are varying but coherently fitting to the whole, and that’s unique for this kind of Deutsche Grundlichkeit.