These guys from Finland are sick after having drunk too much contaminated milk. They stopped menstruating, apparently, and are trying to get to the most kidney stones. Who will finally produce breast milk and urinate chocolate milk?
Philosophical life questions, spiritual contemplations about man’s human nature and their raison d’être. I want another glass of warm, white stuff… Do I?
13:21 minutes it takes, this record of apocalyptic and oppressive Horror Punk / Death Rock. It’s differing from ‘the usual’; it’s like Lover Of Sin and Danzig joined forces to do something Misfits have never done, but if they were able, and eager, to do if they would dwell within the same spheres of Killing Joke or Joy Division. Imagine the acceptance of, at the one hand, the likes of Dead Kennedys, and at the other the psychedelic tradition à la Roky Erickson…
Nice detail: Beastmilk is a project with Mat ‘Kvohst’ McNerney, who is / was involved with acts like DHG / Dødheimsgard, Void, Code, Decrepit Spectre a.o., and last but not least, the Svart-rostered act Hexvessel, a young project that released a psychedelic Doom / Folk / Psychedelica-album last year through this very same label, Svart Records, No Holier Temple. The review about this album, done with pleasure and, of course, a professional attitude, was posted on December 9th 2012, and still readable in the archives section, by the way.