After some independent vinyl-releases, Impious Baptism officially full-lengthily debut with Wrath of the Apex Predator. This project by nuclear exterminating boy J. (Nocturnal Graves, and also involved with Deströyer 666, Destruktor etc.) brings a no-nonsense collection of straight-forward tracks, the kind that balances in between Old School Purism and Early Style Purity (do you understand the balance?). It’s a bleak experience, rather uncomplicated yet still well-balanced in technical and tactical approach. It’s like Beherit translated by Sadistik Exekution, with both grinding and doomy passages, and with both industrialised and organic spheres.
Sound: beneath appreciation, even though monolithically firm…
Heard it before, sometimes better, most of the time, however, not as interesting, so maybe, just maybe…