As the attentive reader knows in meantime, Hells Headbangers do re-release much stuff from the vault that might need some new attention. I am not gonna list up the stuff I did in the past, but believe me when I say that this label is capable to focus on the right material (check out any of the formerly written reviews on the site, including different Hells Headbangers-specials).
To celebrate their tenth anniversary, The Lurking Corpses from Indiana, USSSA and this wonderful American label decided to put the material from 2003’s debut-CD 23 Tales Of Terror on vinyl. It gets finalised in a limited double-LP in traditional black or coloured vinyl, but rather limited (even though I cannot give you the exact number of copies available). After this album, the band recorded two more full lengths and a split with Pennsylvanian act The Beyond in 2008, but as from then things went silent, even though the band never split up officially.
23 Tales Of Terror isn’t, as you guessed, a new album, even though it took five years since they did release some new stuff. The album was originally released via Creature Feature and consists of, indeed, twenty three pieces of punkish-metallic stuff. Some tracks bring a form of gore and grinding Death Metal, of course in an oldest-schooled way, others are filthy Doom-Grind assaults, then again the band comes with energetic Punk’n’Roll, Death Rock Horror, Thrash-laden Speed Metal, or a mixture of all of it. The atmosphere is based on themes of perversion, nastiness, sadism, violence and horrific tales from the graveyard, both lyrically and musically, and injected with sweet elements from blood-soaked, semen-dripping Horror movies from all-times.