I’m not sure if I have to scream out loud: ‘help’, or is it ‘hurray’, but Dingir, the second Rings Of Saturn album, goes on in the very same vein of the debut Embryonic Anomaly.
What can we expect this time? Chaos! Destruction! Devastation! Dingir is sonic terror, alien Devil worship, brain-damaging freakiness from another dimension. The material blasts from the beginning to the end, yet it is a wonderful and satisfying experience to undergo. The chaotic madness is extremely well-structured, with well-performed and fine-tuned, captivating details. Those are: avant-garde hooks, subtle yet technical solos, ear-piercing leads, hyperkinetic rhythms, dual vocals, shredding riffing, all perfected with splendid additional presents and a massive, colossal sound. A high-speed groove with eye for detail and a stiff middle-finger in humanity’s behind! Irresistible if Necrophagist, The Faceless, Job For A Cowboy, Origin, Cattle Decapitation or Cephalic Carnage make you horny…