For those familiar with the Dallas, Texas based Heavy Metal act which released the well-worthy 6-track EP Primer, back in 1996...do not confuse with this Hard Rock act from Verona (the one from North-East Italy situated between Milano and Venice...nót the cities in either New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin)!
Thís Seventh Veil was formed during the Summer of 2011, from the ashes of Hard Rock act LastRide. In early 2012, lead singer Steven, guitarists Jack & Holly, bassist Jeff and drummer Joe (all of which are, of course, stage names) recorded their first EP, entitled Nasty Skin, and followed its release with intense promotion, which resulted in getting reviews from around the world. The band then exchanged Joe with Eric Roxx and, all the while composing new material, spent time playing many local shows (and a one-off gig in Greece, making for the first abroad experience), thus refining their playing skills even more. Before the end of 2012, the band signed a deal with Street Symphonies, resulting in the band subsequently being sent into the Atomic Stuff Recording Studio in the village of Isorella (only some 60 km WSW from Verona) to record its debut album. Having just contributed his part to the recordings, Roxx then mysteriously disappears, leaving the band without its drummer. After months of search and temporary replacement for the occasional gig, he suddenly reappeared from out of nowhere, having left whatever demons ailed him behind...and just in time for the Summer season of shows too!
Stylistically, the band plays a high-intensity Hard Rock which is inspired by '80s Sunset Strip Glam Rock on the one hand, and the more recent Scandinavian gyrations in that genre on the other. Great catchy melodies in the music are topped by catch-phrase lyrics, making for sing-along tunes. Underneath the catchy guitar melodies, you'll nevertheless find some nice musicianship. Vocally, everything's in top shape as well, except for the couple of spoken word parts (done by a female outsider), which are so full of Italian accent, it's ugly! A serious mistake, which doesn't belong on an otherwize professional product! For audio by the band, first consult the label's website (www.) streetsymphonies.com (2 songs posted), then surf to the band's (www.) facebook.com/Seventh Veil, where you'll not only find 2 songs off the band's demo EP, but also 2 additional (and one “double”) songs off the album. And at (www.) seventhveil.jimdo.com, there's a shit-load of video footage (live stuff, but also studio footage)...part of which is also available on the facebook page.