Treha Sektori are a project by Dehn Sora, whom we do know, of course, from the excellent Sembler Deah-project (which includes members of AmenRa). He also joined the Paris-based Black-horde Glaciation, but everyone also recognises his name as visual artist (i.e. painter / graphic designer), creating artwork for hands full of bands and projects.
Via Cyclic Law, Treha Sektori released the highly acclaimed Endessiah-album in 2012, and in 2009 there was a first full album, Sorieh, which came out through Kaosthetic Konspiration.
Severh Sehenh, the third full length, was done entirely by Dehn Sora once again, and it has been mastered by Cyclic Law’s founder Frédéric Arbour (I did know him from the Doom-formation Longing For Dawn especially, but he’s involved with the new project Skorneg too, or as sole artist in, for example, Instrincts, Havan or Visions). The album contains one lengthy track only (clocking over thirty six minutes), which is cut into different ‘movements’, and it deals with the lack of knowledge, the uncertainty of what’s next to come. But this sole ‘song’ is just magnéfique! It brings a combination of a different current within Ambient and Industrial, based on misty atmospheres and desolate moods. Every fragment of Severh Sehenh (or ‘movement’, as mentioned before) is a unique yet oppressive piece of aural Art, but it is less claustrophobic and industrialised than the former full length. Apparently this creation is some re-interpretation of stuff that was not used in the past, but created to use as live intermezzos, and indeed it makes this totality rather different from the past. And indeed, it stands for nothing more than floating soundscapes with a nihilistic and minimal but extremely suffocative and hypnotic approach. It’s rather comparable to some pieces of Aghast, Winterblood or Psychonaut 75 than In Slaughter Natives (by the way, have I been dreaming, or is there a new In Slaughter Natives album to be released in a very near future???) and the likes, but I think it is worth experiencing; the grande finale, by the way, at the end, is pretty exciting, but so is this whole inter-dimensional journey, as a matter of fact.