

Obliteration’s debut album Perpetual Decay, Tyrant Syndicate 2007, was probably my favourite Norwegian non-Black Metal album that very same year. Their second full length, Nekropsalms (label: Fysisk Format), was even awarded (in different mags, like Natt Og Dag), and voted as best album of the year (Osloprisen). It leaded to a tour in both Europe and North America, and the band could perform live on stage at different huge festivals.


Although this American band started out as a Punk Rock act with Hardcore leanings, they grew more and more commercial over the years, first sliding their way into the Pop Punk world (with 2003's album Ocean Avenue as their break-though album).

The Earls Of Mars

After a decade of solo work under the monicker Onethirtyeight (a wacky piano 'n' keyboards based soundtrackish kinda thing with some very weird topics, either in lyrical or visualized context – check out some of those videos at (www.) – with four releases to its name : 2002's Case #6 EP, 2003's Bring Out Your Living EP, the 2006 The Sister EP-CD, and the 2009 full-length CD (+ DVD) London Transmissions), London-based Dan Hardingham suddenly felt the need to start something in a band configuration agai

Mael Mordha

Doom Metal has many faces; that’s something we all know, that isn’t but a cheap side-line. Making abstraction of the Black-, Funeral-, Sludge- and Death-oriented sub-genres (amongst others), and concentrating on the more traditionally inspired bands, there are some huge different interpretations as well. There’s the so-called Epic-scene (with sword and shield), the Sixties-oriented one (with joint and mushroom), the sabbathesque clones (also with joint and mushroom), and so on, and so on.


HateSphere dwell within a specific genre I do not like that much, but this Danish act has always been one of my absolute favourites within this modern Thrash-edged scene. The Napalm-release To The Nines from 2009, for example, was for sure one of my favourite Thrash albums that very same year.

The Dillinger Escape Plan

The Dillinger Escape Plan is a band which you love or hate, there's no in-between. The ones who love it are usually into the mathcore genre and the ones who hate it just think it's noise. No matter what side you're on, their records always raise voices and they always give us something to talk about, which is also the case with their brand new studio album.

Rhapsody Of Fire

In 1997 the Italian metal band Rhapsody Of Fire released their debut album, Legendary Tales. Witch didn’t turned out like they wanted it to. So In the years that followed, the founding members Luca Turilli and Alex Staropoli, together with vocalist Fabio Lione, worked on their style and Incorporated classical music, baroque sounds and metal.

Swedish Hitz Goes Metal Vol II

The musical concept of ‘Swedish Hitz Goes Metal’ putting well-known hits from Abba, Roxette and Ace of Base in a metal jacket proved to be very successful. The album reached several chart positions in homeland Sweden and Japan and was followed by a successful tour. Now 2 years later and to heavy public demand  there has been a successor.

The Ruins Of Beverast

The Ruins Of Beverast were formed ten years ago by Alexander von Meilenwald after Nagelfar (unfortunately!) split up. The project did three albums in mean time (all of them via the small yet, at the same time, great underground label Ván Records), Unlock The Shrine, Rain Upon The Impure, and Foulest Semen Of A Sheltered Elite, which all, without exception, were of a fabulous quality (at least I think so).


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