Satanath Records


I do know Tino Thiele from his activities in Wulfgar and Metamorph especially, although this guy has / had some other (smaller) (solo) projects too. And not that long ago I was happily surprised (indeed, I got attacked by the emotion ‘happiness’ somehow, but it didn’t kill me), and positively amazed (also ‘positivism’ tried to break me, but I stood up, raised my fist, and survived once more), when I heard that he joined forces with Aleksey Korolyov in this latter’s superior project Abigorum.


Even though this band was formed about a decade ago, they did not release anything decently yet – okay, with exception of a couple of independently released EP’s. IATO actually as formed by some (former) Punk Metal / Hardcore musicians (the band grew from the remnants of defunct Ejaculazione HC), and they did record two mini-albums during the first half of last decade (2012 and 2014, to give you the correct information). Then things turned into ear-deafening silence, but the band did not dissolve.

Temple Of Nihil

Okay, I have ‘sort of’ a jolly grin on my (pretty) face, some kind of smile, along with a grim, nasty look somehow. It might explain the duality of inner joy at the one hand and sadistic pleasure at the other. The pleasant emotions are simple to explain. After a hiatus of two years and a half, I started to get worried, frustrated, desperate, for Temple Of Nihil seemed to have faded away into eternal oblivion.


I have to admit that I do not know that much bands from FYROM aka the Former Yugoslavian Republic Of Macedonia aka North Macedonia nowadays. Born For Slaughter, Aeon Arcanum, Maras or Tremula are a handful of bands that I do appreciate, but I have to thank Satanath RecordsAleksey once more for introducing me to Vehementor.

Forbidden Rites

Forbidden Rites are a young band from Mexico, consisting of guitar players Juan Carlos Martinez and Raul Campos, drummer Hugo Olivos (formerly in Inhearted and Hatevomit, and currently part of Vomitile), and vocalist / bassist Vlad Marin (guitar player in Xiuhtecuhtli).


I had not heard of the band Golgata before, a project that consists of members Spokesman 1 (guitars) and Spokesman 2 (bass, vocals and guitars). Seriously? But you know; whatever these guys call themselves, it is of no importance. Even if their artist’s names were ‘Trump and Putin’, ‘Corona and Sars’, ‘Black and White’ or ‘Gol and Gata’ (or ‘Aleksey and Korolyev’, haha), it wouldn’t actually matter. What matters is this: Skam.

Thorns Of Grief

Mystic Rites are a project from Poland that surprised a couple of times with independently released material. Main member Nebiros however had some ideas that did not totally fit to Mystic Rites, so he decided to start another outfit. This one eventually got baptised as Thorns Of Grief. We’re talking about the year 2018.


Lauxnos is the name of a Russian project, which was formed in 2013 by multi-instrumentalist Kirill ‘Katharos’ Andreevich, who is (or was) active as well in outfits like K.M., Hyperborean Frost, Emptiness Soul, Sona Nil or The Happiness Cage, amongst others.


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