Satanath Records


You know, the scene from Turkey has a lot of bullshit going on, but there is some highly interesting stuff out there as well. I am, personally, quite a ‘fan’ of all bands and projects that involve Emil Togrul, and I do deeply adore acts like Zifir, Cosmic Funeral, Hatevomit, Illusions Play or Valefor, amongst several others. Within this list, you might also find Xoresth, a project formed in 2013.


When you’re in the mood for some unhappiness, you must pay attention. As you might know, a taiga is a vast landscape in Arctic and Subarctic regions on our sweet World, with forests and desolate plains, the silence of nature, the absence of joy, the representation of man’s futile existence. As a misanthropic philosopher (or is it a philosophising misanthropist?) such places aren’t but brain candy to me...


Yesss! That was my first thought when I heard, about one year ago, that there would be a new Satanath album out soon. There are two main reasons to explain my enthusiasm.

Wolf's Hunger

Wolf’s Hunger are a Serbian band that was formed at the end of last century, although it was under another name. the band did split up soon after, but they returned, now as Wolf’s Hunger, in 2002. The band recorded some demos and a split with fellow countrymen Posmrtna Liturgija (2005, Grom Records), soon after followed by a first full-length album (Retaliation In Blood, 2007, once again via Grom Records). then the band did split up once more.

Ungraved Apparition

Ungraved Apparition are a young band from Ekaterinburg, a city at the feet of the Ural Mountains in the Russian Federation. The band was formed in 2014 by guitar player Micky Babossa, joined by drummer Paul Kas (who takes care of the visuals too) and bassist Leon Kratt. When vocalist Damned and guitarist Bones Taker joined, the five-piece was ready to record their first album.

Dizziness / Lord Impaler / Hell Poemer

When Black Metal was born almost four decades ago (!), Greece was one of the protagonists, yet largely underestimated. Throughout the years, the Hellenic scene remained of high importance, but they never reached the same fame as, let’s say, the Scandinavian countries. Of course, there are some exceptions, but I am not going to come up with a list of ‘known’ (read: popular) band from out there. You know who they are…


Cadaveris are a band from the centre of the Russian Federation, and it is one that seems to exist for quite some time. Despite being formed in 2010, there were no official releases – until now.


El Salvador is not the hugest country when it comes to Extreme Metal, but it houses some interesting bands for sure. One within quite an impressive list must be Disorder, band that was formed almost two and a half decades ago. The band was active, especially in their local scene (Latin America), and in 2002 they independently released their great debut Voces De La Tumba. Unfortunately, some members decided to form a new act (Dreamlore), so Disorder split up short after the release of their first full length.


Astarium is the solo-outfit of Nikolay ‘SiN’ Sikeritsky, who also runs NitroAtmosfericum Records. I wrote several reviews in the past for Concreteweb about Astarium (as well as for NitroAtmosfericum Records), and as you can see (enter the band’s name in ‘search’ or go to ‘reviews sorted by artist’), I deeply like the refreshing approach of this act.


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