
Death Metal from Argentina, it’s a love-it-or-hate-it relationship, at least for me. In this case: ‘love it’!

The material was released in early 2012 through Cumpa Records in the band’s home country, as well as the rest of South America, but now it has been made available in our countries as well.


Short and sweet: thirty years of business, and still one of the most impressing Thrash-acts. Energy, power, joy, persuasion, craftsmanship, professionalism, it’s just a brief selection of possible adjectives to add onto Destruction’s huge biography / history.

Silent Leges Inter Arma

The German project Silent Leges Inter Arma was named after a quote by Cicero, a Roman philosopher and politician. It means something like ‘laws in silence under the weapons’.

Anyway, this act, formed about five years ago, released an EP in 2009, called Synästhesie through Deviant Records, and this self-called record is Silent Leges Inter Arma’s debut full length, having a total running time of forty six minutes.

Holy Dragons

How many Metal bands do you, dearest reader, know from Kazakhstan (except from those who do live out there)? Honestly, my knowledge about the Heavy Music scene was limited up to three bands, which I did know by name only (I did never hear any of their stuff) (more specific: NEFormat, Requiem and Butchery; the latter, a Death / Grind-act, I did know from having a female vocalist).


As a Black / Doom fan, I do know Tim ‘Typhon’ Yatras from bands and projects like Austere, Pestilential Shadows, Woods Of Desolation, Grey Waters, Battalion, Kinstrife & Blood and many others. Apparently Tim has been active within the Electronic and Pop Music scene as well (no further comment), but this review deals with his project Germ, which was conceived in 2003.


The Obscurity Within… is the first full length by Dutch horde Entrapment. The band’s demos and 7”EP’s were sold out very quickly, but this debut will, of course, appear in a much larger edition.


That’s such a pity - at least for / to me.

Nowadays, thanks to the constantly growing sickness called ‘downloadable copies’, most labels do send us but an i-pooled edition of new material, most of the time a couple of days / Weeks after the actual release of the new stuff. I can spit my bile endlessly but I’ll spare you th…, no, I’ll save my own time and energy.


I don’t know whether it is really meant to mean something like to purloin, but what I do know is that Verdonkermaan is the third part of a trilogy, once preceded by Krach and Grond. And there is no doubt about this continuation: Verdonkermaan is a logical, merciless successor!

Access Denied

Touch Of Evil is the second released album from the Polish female fronted heavy metal band named "Access Denied". The album was actually a self-released record in Poland somewhere in 2011. But after the band got signed to Pitch Black Records, the label decided to re-release the album worldwide in November 2012.


Belgium’s Alkerdeel did record a handful of demos and EP’s before, but Morinde indeed is the first real studio full length in seven years of existence. Recordings like Luizig, De Bollaf and, especially, De Speenzalvinge, were accepted with pleasure and gratitude within the underworlds of the scene, so I can imagine the impatience of the audience for this release. I am glad too with the at-last-finalisation of the album.


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